don't know, but after thinking about it, I really can't complain. I
don't even have the right to have a bad day. I have a bed to sleep in,
I have a roof over my head. I have a cell phone so I can call my
amazing fiancee, a computer, I have a shower with hot , clean, running
water (remember half our world doesn't even have that!) I also have
clothes to put on my back and I have food in my fridge.
Talk about God keeping his promises to us. Look at what Jesus tell us
in Matthew 6.25-34...
22 Jesus said to his disciples: I tell you not to worry about your
life! Don't worry about having something to eat or wear. 23 Life is
more than food or clothing. 24 Look at the crows! They don't plant or
harvest, and they don't have storehouses or barns. But God takes care
of them. You are much more important than any birds.
Just think about that. Doesn't that make you just feel so cared for? I
don't have the right to complain about my day or complain about a
thing. God is keeping His promise to me. And honestly, if your reading
this your on a computer and I bet God is keeping his promise to you
also. Next time you just feel like giving up because your day is going
bad, think about this. Think about how God has kept His promise to
you. How you have the breath of life. Once you have done this just
take a second and pray for the people who are much less fortunate than
you are.
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