Poirier's Perspective

Tuesday, February 24

New Day

        What a day! Today in College and Career was awesome. JJ spoke a really awesome message that I think hit home. I know for me it did. Melanie and I were talking about it on the way home how it just spoke to us. I know there are some things that i need to start working on in my life. SLEEP is the biggest one i think. I never get the right amount of sleep i need for the next day. This totally affects me and my spiritual walk. I fought with it for the longest time, i have always put it aside till tonight. I need to do everything i can to get that right amount of sleep. Its so important that i do it. Not just for my physical health but for my spiritual health.
         One thing that God has really been laying on my heart is that fact that i am mot only my own spiritual leader but a spiritual leader my relationship. We always think scene I’m the guy I’m the leader when we are just dating but know its for-real I’m engaged i have a new and extremely important responsibility on my plate now and i need to be well rested for that spiritual leading in that relationship. I also need to be rested for that relationship.

        The second thing God has really started to hit me with is this whole time management thing. Thank GOD I have an amazing fiancée who is like a awesome planner and who can keep my life in order, but really God has been slowly poking at me telling me i need to start managing my time more efficiently. I need to start spending more time with him. Praying, Reading, just talking to him. It will totally help my walk and life out. Im going to do it.

        Im so excited to see what God is going to do. JJ talked out of Ephesians 5:15-20, That spoke to me a lot i encourage you to sit down and read it. God always has so much to say. and we need to just start listing.

“Make Ever Day Unique” J.J.